Friday 24 February 2012


A Traditional Indonesian fried-rice dish, usually eaten at breakfast to use up leftover rice. It can be made with beef, chicken, pork, prawn or vegetables. Wine match : a viognier or pinot gris.

Nasi Goreng ala chef Meilinda :)
Preparation 25 mins
Cooking time 15 mins

4 cup chicken stock
2 teaspoon tamarind
345 g rice
3 medium onions
4 gloves of garlic
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 lemon for garnish
1 small cucumber
2 teaspoon chili powder
100 gram banana prawn
1 Saveloys/Sosis sliced
2 small carrot, sliced and chopped
1 large tomatoes, sliced
100 grams chicken, shredded
white pepper
2 teaspoons sesame oil
1 stalk spring onions, sliced
1 fresh chili, finely chopped
2 eggs

        Bring stock to the boil and add the tamarind and well washed rice. Boil for 12-15 minutes or until rice is tender but not soft. Drain, rinse in cold water and set aside to cool. Break up the tamarind and stir well to mix into the rice.  Peel and slice onions and garlic and fry in oil until soft. Add tomato, chili powder and cook for 2 minutes. Put the chicken and season with salt and pepper. Saute for 4-5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add sliced of spring onions and chopped chili and cook for further 2 minutes. Remove and set aside.
        Wipe out pan and oil lightly. Beat eggs and pour into pan, cook in a thin omelette until set, then break up with chop sticks, add to the cooked chicken, prawn and saveloys mixture. Add 2 tablespoons oil in the pan and stir fry rice for 5 minutes, stir cooked mixture and season with salt, pepper, sesame oil and soy sauce  if desired. Garnish with lemon and cucumber.

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