Thursday 1 March 2012


  • Bebek goreng sambal terasi ~ Spiced deep fried duck with Shrimp paste sambal.
  • Pergedel Jagung ~ Spiced corn Fitters.
  • Sayur nangka - Jack fruit in coconut milk sauce.
  • Bakwan/Bala-bala ~ Vegetables fritters.
  • Rendang ~ Authentic Indonesian coconut beef
  • Perkedel daging ~ Potato fritters with corned beef
  • Ayam panggang bumbu kecap ~ Grilled chicken with sweet soy flavor.
Bebek Goreng ~ Spiced deep fried duck with Shrimp paste sambal

2 kg (4 lb) duck 
4 medium red onions
4 cloves garlic
5 cm piece of fresh ginger
1 tablespoon coconut oil or vegetable oil
1 fresh red chili, chopped
6 candlenuts, ground
1 teaspoon white pepper
1 1/2 cups of boiling water 
1/2 teaspoons turmeric powder
2-3 Indonesian bay leaves/daun salam (available in Asian store)
2 teaspoons salt

  • Clean duck and wash.  Cut into large pieces (8 pieces.) Wipe dry and set aside.
  • Mince garlic, onion, fresh ginger chili, and candlenuts. Puree in a food processor or blender with the stock. 
  • Arrange chicken pieces in a flat bowl, add all mince spices, and boiling water. Marinate for 1 hour.  Lift up, drain and pat dry with kitchen paper.
  • Heat oil until almost at smoking point and carefully lower in several pieces of chicken.  Deep fry for 3 minutes, then remove from oil and return to marinate while remaining pieces are cooked.  Marinate for at least 15 minutes the second time, then drain again and pat dry.
  • Return to the hot oil and cook again for 3 minutes, marinate once more, then fry chicken another 3 minutes.  It should be crisp and the surface and the meat tender and moist. Serve with lalapan/ vegetables mix or tomatoes slices.

Sambal terasi - Shrimp paste sambal
1 tablespoon dried shrimp paste, toasted
1 fresh red chili, finely chopped
1 small red onion
1-2 teaspoons sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons oil
lemon or lime juice

Method : Mash shrimps paste and mix with chili.  Mince onion and fry with sugar for 3 mins.  Add to shrimps paste and stir.  Add lemon juice to taste.
This Sambal may be keep in a sealed jar for up to 2 weeks.

Perkedel Jagung - Spiced corn Fritters
To make about 2 dozen 3 inch round fritters
2 cup fresh corn kernels cut form 4 large ears of corn,
   or substitute 2 cups or frozen corn, thoroughly defrosted
1/2 ci[ water
2/3 cup flour
2 eggs
1/2 finely chopped scallions, including 2 inches
       of the green tops
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1/8 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoons white pepper
4 cups vegetable oil

  1. Combine the corn and water in the jar of an electric blender, and blend at high speed for 20 or 30 seconds.  Turn off the machine, scrape down the sides of the jar with a rubber spatula, and blend again until the mixture is fairly smooth but not completely pureed.  Scrape the corn into a deep bowl.  Stirring constantly, add the flour, eggs, scallions, celery, garlic, coriander, cumin, salt and white pepper and continue to mix until the ingredients are well combined.
  2. In heavy 12 inch skillet, heat the oil until it is very hot but not smoking. (The oil should be at least 1 inch deep; if necessary add more.)  For each fritter, pour in about 2 tablespoons of the corn mixture. leaving enough space between the fritter so that they can spread into 3 inch rounds.  Fry 2 or 3 at a time for about 2 mins on each side, or until they are golden brown and crisp.  As they brown, transfer the fritters to paper towel to drain, serve the pergedel jagung hot.
Note : For a crunchier fritter, reduce the salt in the recipe to 1/2 teaspoon, and add 6 
          slices of bacon - fried until crisp and crumbled into small bits - to the corn 

Sayur nangka - Jack fruit in a coconut milk sauce

2 teaspoons finely chopped garlic
1 teaspoons finely chopped turmeric
1 medium onion roughly chopped
1/2 teaspoon white pepper
1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
2 cups fresh coconut milk, made from 2 cups 
   coarsely chopped coconut and 2 cups hot water
1/2 cup chicken stock
2 tablespoons vegetables oil
2 cups/can jack fruit (available in Asian store.)

Method :
  1. Combine the garlic, turmeric, ginger, onion and salt in a deep bowl and mash them with the back of a spoon into fairly smooth paste. In a large heavy based saucepan, cook the mash with 2 tablespoons oil for 1-2 mins until melted and just golden. 
  2. Add 2 cups of jack fruit and stirring constantly, cook for about 2-3 mins.
  3. Stir in the chicken stock.  Cook for 5 mins, or until jack fruit is tender.
  4. Add the coconut milk to the pan and increase the heat to medium low bring to a simmer, stirring constantly.
  5. Once the soup has reached a rapid simmer, cook for 3 mins or until the soup thickened. Season the soup to taste with salt and white pepper.
  6. Ladle the jack fruit soup in bowl, garnish with fried onion or fried kerupuk and serve.
I really love Bakwan/Vegetables fritters. I usually eat this dish with brown sugar sauce or chili sauce. Vegetable fritter/ Bakwan also served with rice.
Bakwan/Bala-bala - Vegetables fritters
50 grams of bean sprouts
3 red chilies  / 2 chilies green, thinly sliced
50 grams of cabbage, discarding the hard parts, thinly sliced
100 grams of carrots, cut into sticks
2 leeks, thinly sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
Vegetables oil for deep-fry
Dough for fritter mix
100 grams of wheat flour
100 grams of rice flour
1 egg
200 ml coconut milk from 1/4 grated coconut
Subtle Seasoning
5 red onions
4 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp pepper round
1/2 grilled knuckle of turmeric
salt to taste
How to Make Vegetable Bakwan:
Mix the flour with spices, and stir into a soft dough. Add the vegetables and stir well.
Heat oil over medium high heat, Add ingredients, Fritter mix, and Subtle seasoning per two tablespoons until cooked. Remove and drain. Serve hot.

Bakwan goreng/Bala-bala - Vegetables Fritters


Ingredients Rendang:
1 kg tenderloin beef, cut into 1.5 x2 inch cubes
1 liter/4.5 cups of coconut milk
1 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp toasted coconut
1 tbsp tamarind (soaked in some warm water for the juice and discard the seeds)
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Spices paste:
10 cloves garlic
10 shallots
2 inches ginger
50 grams ground chili
1 teaspoon cumin
6 Bay leaves
3 turmeric (finely slices)
3 lemongrass (white part only) finely chopped
1 inch galangal
3 star anise
1. Chop the spice paste ingredients and then blend it in a food processor.
2. Heat the coconut milk and spice taste to boil and stir occasionally.
3. Add the beef, tamarind juice, black pepper, toasted coconut, salt and sugar on medium heat, stirring frequently.
4. Lower the heat to low, cover the lid, and simmer for 2 hours or until most the liquid has evaporated the meat is really tender.
5. Season with additional salt and sugar if its needed.
6. Server immediately with steam rice or Nasi uduk/coconut spicy rice.

Tips for making good Rendang: 
  • If its possible cooked with wood fire.  Wood fire will produce a very good aroma of rendang.
  • Stirring constantly to prevent burning.
  • Always use fresh ingredients to bring up the aroma.
  • Don't use instant Rendang spice as short cut.
  • Star anise is the key for bringing up the aroma of authentic RENDANG flavor
  • Heat up rendang over the time.

1/2 cup vegetables oil
1 cup finely chopped onions
1 tablespoon finely chopped garlic
2 blades fresh lemon grass, tied together
4 Indonesian bay leaves/Salam leaves (Available in Asia Store)
4 limes leaves
1 tablespoon salt
3 cups uncooked white rice
6 cups fresh coconut milk made from 6 cups coarsely chopped coconut and 6 cups hot water.

  • In large heavy - based saucepan, heat the oil. Drop in the onions and garlic, stirring frequently, cook for about 5 minutes, or until they are soft and transparent but not brown.  Watch carefully for any sign of burning and regulate the heat accordingly.  Mix in the lemon grass/sereh, Salam leaves, lime leaves, turmeric and salt, and cook for a minute or so.  Then add the rice and stir for about 2-3 mins, until all the grains are evenly coated, but do not let the rice brown.
  • Pour in the coconut milk and cook over moderate heat until small bubbles appear around the edge of the pan.  Do not let the coconut milk boil. Cover tightly and bake in the oven for about 25 mins, or until the rice is tender and has absorbed all liquid in the pan.  Remove the lemon grass, daun salam/ Indonesian bay leaves and lime leaves. Place in a serving plate, and ready to serve.

650 grams of potatoes
350g can corned beef
4 tablespoons chopped celer
4 tablespoons fried onions
2 egg yolks 
2 egg whites 
salt 1/2 teaspoon
1/2 tbsp nutmeg powder 
1 teaspoon white pepper
salt to taste
500 ml of cooking oil, for frying
How to Make
1.Clean potatoes, cut into pieces and fry half dry. Set aside
2. Puree Potato until smooth.
add the potatoes, minced beef, fried onions, chopped celery, salt, nutmeg powder, white pepper, and salt. Stir until well blended.
3. add the yolks and stir well. Flat round shape with your hand.
Dip in egg white until blended, then fry until browned. Remove and set aside.
Serves 8
Pergedel daging 
1 whole chicken, cleaned, cut to the chest (not until the end) and then flatten -
Cooking oil to taste
5 cloves garlic 
8 cloves Onion 
4 pieces red chili
1 Green chili to taste 
1 tsp white pepper -
5 tablespoons sweet soy sauce 
1 tbsp Brown Sugar 
Sugar to taste 
Salt to taste 
How to make:
1. Saute all the spices until fragrant.
2. Add the chicken, give water to soak the chicken, and cook until chicken is cooked. Remove and set aside.
3. Cook until sauce has thickened chicken seasoning. Remove and set aside.
4. Bake chicken until cooked with spices spread. Lift.
5. Serve with slice of tomatoes, cucumber and sambal.

Ayam bakar bumbu kecap - Grilled chicken with sweet soy flavor


Anonymous said...

hmmm..dari foto-fotonya saja keliatan enak apalagi rasanya...enak tenan, maknyus..! Jadi bangga sama negeriku Indonesia. Makanannya ga kalah sama buatan luar negeri.. malah lebih otentik dan esotik. trims.

Anonymous said...

Setuju!!! masakan Indonesia sebenernya banyak yang bisa jadi andalan. contohnya bakwan, rendang, sama perkedel sangat cocok untuk semua lidah. liatin gambarnya sja gue jadi ngences ...

Anonymous said...

duuhh…ngebantu banget lho mbak…apalagi kalo mau arisan ada acara kadang2 suka bingung mikir masak apa, tinggal klik jadi dech..:-) semuanya ada soalnya… dari masakan Indonesia, Thailand, eropa dan lain sebagainya.. said...

Trima kasih utk comment dari semua, senang banget, semoga bisa membantu ya.. dan membuat aku tambah semangat untuk tetap menjaga blog ini tetap terawat :)

Anonymous said...

enaaaaaaaak...enak..enaaaaak! waduh, makanannya sedap donk mbk..

yantibekasi said...

Wah sedapnyaaaaaaaaaaa

Novianti - Jkt said...

"esepnya maknyus-2 bu..!! boleh dicoba nich ...."

Anonymous said...

i would cook these up ill try some