Wednesday 7 March 2012


This my guide will give you a good idea of what size turkey to buy for your requirements.
  • 3-4kg (6-8lb) gives 8-10 serving.
  • 4-6kg (8-12lb) gives 10-15 serving
  • 7-8kg (14-16lb) gives 18-22 serving
If the turkey is a fresh one cover loosely with foil and leave in the refrigerator until required. If The bird is frozen, remove form its wrappings and cover loosely with foil, and thaw in a cool place for 1 1/2 - 3 days, depending on its size.  Turkey can be roasted in a slow or fast oven. Cooking time for slow method at 160 c, 325 f are:
  • 3-4kg (6-8lb) takes 3-31/2 hours
  • 4-6kg ( 8-12lb) takes 31/2 -4 hours
  • 6-8kg (12-16) takes 4-6 hours

I served the turkey with steamed beans and baked potato and pumpkin. The potato and pumpkin were cooked with the turkey. The traditional accompaniments with turkey is cranberry sauce and/or gravy.

Turkey stuffing : I used a cooked, jasmine rice base and added chopped bacon, garlic, onion and herbs(parsley/rosemary). I cooked the mixture lightly in a frypan before placing in turkey (I apologize for the beer. That was my husband's idea.haha)

Turkey for Xmas dinner :)

From oven

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